Oleh Hendra W Saputro
Siang itu telpon kantor berdering, penelpon memperkenalkan dirinya. Dan ternyata salah satu pelanggan dari penulis, Pak Made Terima dari Bistour. Seperti biasanya, kami saling tanya kabar dan dilanjutkan dengan bertanya sesuatu hal teknis tentang email dan formulir website. Setelah ketemu penyebabnya, penulis menanyakan kabar tentang bisnisnya beliau. Dengan lesu beliau menjawab, “Bisnis tour and travel lagi sepi pak, ditambah lagi ada orang luar negeri yang menjelek-jelekkan kita, terutama Bali dan Indonesia melalui website, dan kita semua sepertinya tidak berdaya, apalagi pemerintah dan pakar IT sepertinya tidak serius menanggapi berita hujatan dari website itu“.
Setelah berdiskusi by phone dengan pelanggan tersebut yang tadinya masih saling melontarkan unek-unek dan masih belum menemukan jalan keluarnya, akhirnya penulis meluncur ke website tadi.
Website ini bernama Bali BS News, beralamatkan di www.balibs.org. Penulis mencoba membaca beberapa artikel yg berjudul cukup pedas disana. Sungguh membuat tangan ini mengelus dada. Dalam website tersebut memang disebutkan informasi dan tanggapan-tanggapan yang miring tentang Bali dan Indonesia. Semua peristiwa tertampil disana disertai dengan pembawaan bahasa inggris yang lumayan western stylist. Penulisnya fasih dalam berbahasa inggris.
Tema yang diangkat disana sebetulnya adalah kritikan, tetapi penyajian bahasanya jelas membunuh karakter tentang Bali dan Indonesia. Beberapa tema yang diangkat disana mengenai kasus flu burung, kehidupan demokrasi, jaminan keamanan, sistem warning tsunami, adu domba jawa dan bali, gerakan kemerdekaan bali, pedophilie, dan masih banyak lagi hujatan-hujatan tentang Bali dan Indonesia.
Web ini pernah dikomplain oleh Bali Tourism Board, Bali Hotel Association dan bahkan Menteri Luar Negeri, Bapak Hasan Wirayuda. Kepolisian menyebut website ini adalah sebagian dari cyber crime yang perlu dibinasakan. Pak Made Terima tadi memberikan saran agar pemerintah juga memberikan sebuah website yang berisi perlawanan balik tentang isu yang belum tentu benar berdasarkan pemberitaan Bali BS News tadi.
Penulis sempat berdiskusi dengan beberapa teman sesama pemerhati IT. Dan kami masih mempunyai prediksi bahwa pelaku website tersebut pernah tinggal di Bali ataupun kota besar di Indonesia, dan merasakan hal-hal yang dirasa merugikan. Pelaku kritis dan tanggap terhadap berita-berita yang beredar di Bali dan Indonesia. Dan kemungkinannya adalah, pelaku pernah merasakan perlakuan pahit dari elemen masyarakat Bali dan Indonesia, sehingga terusir dari komunitas tersebut. Ini semua masih berupa hipotesis, dan berharap ada tanggapan dari kalangan kita bersama untuk bertindak nyata terhadap kebuasan www.balibs.org.
Update : Informasi tambahan dari rekan-rekan, situs yang menghujat bali tambah lagi di www.nasty-bali.org, http://nasty-bali.blogspot.com
ctrl + alt + del > End Task > Shutdown > Rendam pake rinso > Diperas > Dikeringkan > Diblender > Tambahin 100cc Bensin > Siapin korek > Sulut > Abu > Buang ke laut. … Hehehehe, release your stress dude.
Akhirnya saya tergoda juga untuk memberikan sedikit komentar tentang tulisan di atas. Sepertinya saya tahu siapa pemilik http://www.balibs.org. Tanpa bermaksud menghakimi seseorang, sebaiknya pemilik situs tersebut
introspeksi, walaupun saya tidak tahu dimana dia hidup sekarang. Tapi yang jelas dia pernah hidup nyaman di bali, dan menghasilkan banyak uang dari bali.
Ini pembelajaran berharga bagi kita semua.
Maaf saya akan tulis dalam bahasa inggris biar at least sbg counter atas claim di web tsb.
i suppose whoever made that website should be come over to bali, prove whatever that he state in those websiteS, several websiteS contain the same, the same thing repeated over and over, made by the same person.
i suggest you better bring your ass over here, lets talk in from of all people in Bali, lets settle the issues, whatever that is that you have, be a man dude, dont be a coward, just because you make problem to someone and you loose, then you sacrifice the whole of Bali that make their living from tourism, you just kill them slowly.
Do you think you are a f**king saint, no you are NOT, you just a liar and coward who can’t even face us here and TALK, settle down, you owe us a HUGE APOLOGIZE !!
so show us your pretty face here and talk dude if you really have the balls to do so and what you are saying is truth.
do you think whatever amount of money that you made while you were in bali, that u mae fortune of it, you play and earn them all straightly honest, you are not god, buddy, you made mistakes, we are all. be a real gentlemen, admit it, get your ass over here, ace us all. Who ever made proven mistaken shall apologize, nit being coward like you, spreading bad words about bali. as i mentioned before, everyone made mistakes, if we made one, tell us, let us fix it, if you did one, apologize us. Don’t think you even have guts to do it.
I will apologize you if i proven wrong.
Hello friends,
Do your best to write in English, how good you are in English it is not important, the most important is your mission is exposed to the public. It is fare that we are not people speaking English.
In my opinion the owner of balibs.org tries hard to:
1. Shaping the anti-indonesia public opinion. Why? There is a fact that some countries wish Indonesia be weak. When Indonesia getting weak then it is easy to offer help or rise the separatism. Realized or not this indication started to appear since the fall of communism. Any countries post communism that did not lift up the welfare of their people will suffer the injection of separatism such as Yugoslavia which has been realized. While Indonesia since it is strong from the beginning ( people resolution ), they almost unable to break the ties. So balibs.org is the only tool they think.
Second opinion is that the owner of balibs.org has big clash with Jack Daniel, the owner of Bali Discovery Tours. This is started when Jack Daniel tried to assist Polda to check illegal villas or business in Bali built by foreigners. His first effort was confronted with British Webmaster and Owners Mr. Austine. Jack Daniel reported Mr. Austine o Polda which caused the detainment of Mr. Austine at Polda Bali for the alleged illegal business. Second is the conflict between Candi Internet and Blue Line which was used to blow up the Bali police unprofessinalism. Like getting blessing balibs.org peeps every minutes of the Bali Police to get prey for their articles.
So, it is correct that what our friend above suspects, that the owner of balibs.org was before living in Bali collected great amount of money, then found problem, due to his illegal deal.
Achmad Barbulah
East Java
I personally agree with all above friends. The owner of balibs.org has been disappointed by certain people or civil service in Bali. Thanks for your kindness to cc every article you send to the world, especially to admin@balibs.org I believe that your professionalism and honesty will teach us all, that nasty ways to response the situation is not belong to Asian people.
All friends,
Would you please write your comment in English. It is not important that your English is good or bad, but the most important is your position be read by all including balibs.org jelous person.
It is a pity that I do no have website and no fund to support, but thanks for great number of warnet in Bali and bigger cities in East Java. I followed from the beginning of balibs.org broadcast and have got some clear indication of the mission of this internet. Basically I agree with our above friend that the owner of balibs.org ever live in Bali and got big buck, yet encountered with personal problem. My assumption at this time, this conflict started from personal touch with Pak Daniel, owner of Bali Discovery Tours, due to his help to Polda Bali in searching illegal villas and tour organizers for Bali. The immediate confront was with Mr. Mark Asutine, one of the manager of Internet selling Bali, which causing the detainment of Mark Asutine at Polda Bali. After this detainment and release of Mark Austine it was a fiece and nasty war on the internet between the two. This was added again with the investigation of Candi Internet following the closure of this ISP. It seems that from these 2 conflicts born the balibs.org, and a pity that their mission to critize unprofessional police have shifted to hate of Balinese. Around end of July, due to my active response throgh admin@bablibs.org, surprisingly I got a strange message from unknown email address threatning me of facing balibs.org staffs which the stranger said are present in Bali, and their mission is supported by Australian Feredral Government, which can closed and block my ISP or email account. I have copied Australian embassy and consular all over Indonesia of this email message.
Folloing every article of balibs.org will give us clue of the manager of this site.
Achmad Barbulah
Lamongan, East Java
please post the email in this thread, so everyone know how untrue balibs is, how childish and coward they are. please post the email here.
btw. balibs i heard stands for bali bullshit, and the admin of that site was living in Bali, some people in Bali even know the person in name and more details.
Once again,
please post the email…
I personally not agree if someone said something terrible about Bali, but we must always try to take something positive out of it. Believe it or not, so many things have change from Bali. Open your eyes and take a look around. Do you see the same Bali? I know things will change along with time, but what happens to Bali right now is way beyond what I can think of.
I was born in Bali, so I know what Bali look like a few years back. But thing started to change catastrophically in the recent years. The government tries to build things without any clear direction, investor try to buy lands in Bali for their own profits. Farming, the main income source for most Balinese people, have been killed slowly either by the government and the investor. There are no synergy between the government, the investor, and the people. There was some report saying that the island will shrink, but have we done something to prevent it? Wake up and smell the coffee my friend.
I’m so sorry for being such a rude but I really – really hope that changes that happens in my beloved island is good things. But all I can see for the moment is a bad one and come the latest case of tourist who got blackmailed in Bali. Well, what can I say.
I am a neutral person in this issue but of cause have my view!
I am also a direct Victim of the EGOISTIC Indonesian corruption system but it’s not directly related to Bali only!
Nevertheless when it comes to corruption and manipulation this concerns every person and the whole of Indonesia, not only Bali because if you would only think about Bali this would again just be EGOISTIC!
Not sure if all will agree but to me the BIGGEST Indonesian problem which courses most of the issues and hardship Indonesia is facing right now are directly related to the EGOISTIC Indonesian corruption system, and don’t forget all are aware of this that EGOISTIC thinking is the fuel for corrupt activities!
Of cause when the point comes where things have been over stepped to a point that Human Rights are being abused there will be a reaction by individuals, In the case of any Bali incidents, which is only one of many cases this definitely appears to be “fact” and the effected victims have rightfully enough of the situation and believe the time has come that something should change to not have a total collapse! The thing is if you have a bit of imagination being honest and think logic you can workout that things are getting out of hand and should be fixed quickly to have any future!
If anyone may believes just waiting and not taking any actions in the right direction will make the problem go away will undoubtedly face the reality as we can see now already!
But “Yes” even so my problem is not directly related to Bali I have to say and can confirm by my own experience there must be hundreds more cases where the authority are definitely abusing there positions in almost every case and using mafia style tactics to set up people to cover-up there criminal and Corrupt actions!
As I can see the time has come where individuals have been pushed to there absolute limits “I include my self” and even have there Human Rights being abused; naturally these individuals rightfully like to get there cases solved reevaluated and will use anything and any tactics available to them to get attention! Right or wrong that of cause you have to evaluate you’re self’s but put your self into the Victims situation, what would you do?
Everyone is blaming Balibs.org for the situation in Bali but do you thing this is the real problem? In my view the reason for Balibs to exist in the first place is coursed by exactly the ones receiving the criticisms and heat! I believe fighting the resold “as in this case Balibs” is not the solution to make problems disappear because this would only be a temporary fix and it will return very quickly. But cleaning up the course of things will make the problem rest for a long time and 100% will be positive for all! (Don’t Attack the resold attack the ones coursing the reaction!)
This will make sense to all: don’t chase the mosquitoes”Resold” get reed of the Water where the eggs a laid “Source” then you don’t have anymore mosquitoes to be chased!
I live and worked with Indonesians for 17 years now and I can say in my time I seen it all the GOOD the BAD and the UGLY sorry to point this negative thing out again but the BAD and UGLY has the majority and this is the whole problem we are all commenting about!
You may agree with me on this point; what is destroying Indonesia inside out for a long time already are the BAD and UGLY people which treat all of as and I am not talking about foreigners only; worse then animals to enrich them self by using EGOISTIC CRIMINAL CORRUPTION AND MANIPULATION! “This is Fact in my view?”
Don’t you all think it would be good to get this under control right now and not in 40 years!
Yes you all will say; this is very hard and Yes you 100% correct to do the right thing is hard but killing Humans direct or indirect is not acceptable to anyone! Logic prevails and if it is not don the Indonesian future is clear for the logic minded and this future is around the corner not 40 years away. I can see the exact point of Balibs actions because you don’t just look at the bad news, you have to read a bit between the lines and see what the real target of all this is! You may think the way I talk that I am one of the Balibs persons NO! NO! I would like to be, but I have my onwn war already to fight fiscally for my life and Human Rights in Indonesian! If you say I support Balibs not in detail but 100% in Principe!
Now my statement should get you thinking you see I am one more individual fighting for my life because of corruption; if you thing getting rid of Balibs would solve all problems which are always the same! No way! I would be the next Balibs2 if I could manage to do so but I would try and give it my best if needed! The infection Indonesia has can not be cleaned with Dentol anymore it needs a very strong quick antibiotic because this infection is killing everything fast not slow!
Most of you only just see the immediate resold of bad news which is reality and is BAD for ALL but try look into the Future what could be if finally the sleeping government wakes up and makes positive changes for ALL the solution is not to shoot and kill Balibs because that probably would only create 100 new Balibs’s!
I remember when Balibs started up and the information at the time was more then 16000 individual subscribed to the news service! I don’t like to imagine how many there are now and that’s the ones subscribe to it, how many are reading it is probably a number in the millions!
But what do you think is the reason for people to get interested in the Balibs news; to destroy Indonesia; I don’t think so! The way I see this is; the issues covered by Balibs is a problem everyone lived with for a long time and this got piled up in everyone’s heads and now it look like all these individuals would love to see a change in the right direction because the way it is now this got very much out of hand the way foreigners are being treated by nasty and egoistic Indonesians!
To put it symbolically: Whatever coursed the infection to make it brake out is irrelevant now we got it and it will need to be solved quickly one way ore the other!
Just this one Point I will push hard and I ignore all the other bad news but if this are the next mafia tactics of the Police to get there way it will be very dangers for any foreigner to come to Indonesia Globally!
Now if this is right ore wrong happened already ore not just the prospect that it could happen would keep me away from Indonesia permanently and for ever! If any police starts to use this particular mafia tactics for whatever reasons and starts to plant Drugs on people visiting Indonesia I predict you will be Doomed Internationally!
Most of the foreign community presumes from the facts on hand that the Corby case is exactly one of these cases because the only fingerprints on the Drug packet is belong to Police Staff handing the package around for everyone to leave his mark! Or was this a preplanned tactic??
This presumption is floating in my head and other peoples heads and could have been a possible scenario if you think in the direction how the mafia is conducts there business! With all the news about bad Police practice hitting the news every day; no one could exclude this possible scenario and is an old dirty mafia trick to setup people you like to get out of the way ore you like to victimize someone for whatever reason! If anyone would ask me if I think that the Police in Indonesia would use such tactics if they would see a profit in it for them self’s; I could only answer Yes 99% possible! Anyhow all know what I am saying!
Only this presumption is a bigger problem then Balibs could ever be!
So what guarantees the Government ant authorities could give to anyone that this would not ever happen under any circumstances?
I tell you this is bad SHIT because this is not an easy thing to control even in Western Countries!
Do you really believe the Balibs reports are meant to destroy Bali, Indonesia or there is just an individual trying to get revenge for his situation; I say without hesitation you are totally wrong but you can not evaluate this objective if you are egoistic orientated and don’t look at the big picture!
I remember when Balibs first started up about1,5 years ago there was only one or two story’s written and you know what my personal reaction was, I applauded them because this should started years ago! Anyhow now it did and we are all hoping for an logical and positive outcome “believe me!!” but the worst could happen is that stupidity, Egoistic and corrupted minds see everything just as an attack and make a falls interpretation of all this and Indonesia would logically be doomed! That would of cause be very bad for all, but one small profit would come out of this; people got protected to not fall into this still operating death trap!
If you are trying to attack the Balibs Community who you talking about; can you not see that the information is coming from hundreds of individuals if not thousands already! Yes you will find the ones feeding Balibs with information are all in a way direct or indirect Victims of the ones abusing there authorities in Indonesia and living from corrupt activities!
I maybe wrong with my presumption but the people auditing the Balibs are actually pretty good people and very concerned selective and limited with there stories because I believe they must have already hundreds of real fact stories in stock but they don’t just dump them into the public because they are concerned about the outcome of this action and hope that what is on the marked already should be enough to make people react and wake up!
From my personal viewpoint I can see there are some story’s related to some particular issue I can understand this and naturally the one gets the heat does not like it also understandable! But sometimes a simple sorry is not enough if things got blown out of proportion! From my own personal experience I know very well about this feeling when people pushed you to much and then just like to give you a simple sorry; but that’s life and revenge is a very cold blade; but don’t forget that some evil person created this in the first place which went really overboard and should tort about this before and anticipate what could come in return!
Of cause in this stupid world now we always have to except sacrifices to make change to the better but the ones to blame for this are exactly the ones which are getting the heat right now!
Also the ones working the Balibs I can see are very active in the matter and spending a lot of time and effort to get to a positive resold but don’t forget the ones making this efforts in the interest of all have a big Plus they already seen the resold from Historical actions by there Grandparents and are anticipating a good outcome if the ones responsible make logical decisions in this matter!
No one can blame the ones showing reaction because if anyone likes it or not the time has come where people say enough is enough and if this negative things don’t stop the Future is clear to the ones which have a logical and opened mind!
To just ignore problems is not the solution anymore because all is out of order; but from the viewpoint of the bad situation you end up with a Win! Win! Situation!
These are the Win! Win! Points in my view:
1) If the action now produces a positive outcome we all will profit from this; except the corrupters and manipulators abusing Human Rights! = “Positive”
2) If these actions will not turnout a positive outcome at least the foreign community is warned, protected and will not fall victim to corruption and end up in hardship! “Of cause this would be bad for the normal Indonesian Public but = Positive for the foreigner not getting Victimized anymore!
I hope some simple minds will not interpret this as being egoistic on the foreigner’s site because I believe no one likes to be used and treated like a walking ATM and end up in jail for no reason because of some manipulators!
If anyone can not see the Win! Win! Situation! I could only see an EGOISTIC MIND which would disagree!
Not sure if people really see what is going on right now!
My Conclusion:
1) Indonesia is on death road because of Corruption and Egoistic minded people!
2) If there is not a consequent and active direct action there is no Hope for any Investment future!
3) If the authorities & specifically the Police aren’t run by educated professionals Staff respecting there positions and the written Law there is no guaranty that dirty tricks will not be played on people in general! This is a big problem and the course & source of corruption!
This are my final words; I am so long in Indonesia speak your languish that I could say this is my home and I am one of you! I class my self as middle class person and like to speak for all middle class foreign people but not for politicians because even in my country I see them as Ignorant, egoistic business people! But when it comes to normal middle class people I think I can speak for all! There is not one I know of who would ever have any reasons to destroy any country ore any people because also we have to survive in this world where some evil people always putting money in front of Human life’s!
But as it looks these particular individual middle class people got pushed to far and try to protect there Human Rights to be treated as humans and not as walking ATM’s. People have enough of getting abused and the bad reality news being highlighted is necessary to wake up the ignorant Politicians!
This problem has to be solved the middle class people are not like politicians and have to stand together to get improvements! We know that Politicians they only have money and business in there heads and sold there life’s and sols for positions and money!
The middle class people like that your country becomes a better place not just for as; but also for your self’s do you thing we don’t know what you are going true; you very wrong presuming this and you always try to classify as by what money we have compared to your self’s; you are wrong with that we know exactly how you feel but now the time has come to make decisions because if not the middle class people will slowly all go away and not come back too your Indonesia!
The middle class is we aware of how much they contributing to the NORMAL Indonesian population! We are not the ones taking anything away from anyone the ones doing this are the criminals and corrupters!
We the middle class people are well aware that if the government makes a big Oil and Gas contract with some governments that this will not help the general public at all but the middle class in my view and I hope I speak for all others are the biggest contributors direct or indirect to the general population!
But you all have to understand that we will have to protect are self’s to not be abused and victimized and end up in jail for no reason just to steal are hard earned money which we paid Tax for every cent to are Government and you Government!
The fact will be there will be no one who would be able to stop the middle class people from leaving Indonesia if things get out of hand as it is in the moment! The decision got to be made by the top brass; but if they are ignorant to this situation so be it but we don’t have to stay on places where corruption is everything and we are the ones getting Victimized and maybe even killed!
Of cause we would not like if things will have a negative outcome but to the middle class which are the effected ones its very clear it can not get worse then it is already, and if this will be the situation the ones to be blame will know exactly who they are and it is definitely not the International foreign community of Balibs!
The thing is when you write about this issue it’s always a long story; but if you really view the problem with a logical mind and be honest about it it’s very easy to know what is needed!
Middle class people and Investors need security and protection that’s the solution; is this too hard to produce! It will only be hard to find a solution if again Corrupters make a decision on this matter!
No one needs anyone to love as just a small respect would be appreciated and to make this very clear we are not your enemy but corruption is an enemy to as all and effecting are life’s!
We all hope soon that people will wake up in the right positions!
Regards, MO